Iron speed Application Stopped working??? -- Best possible solution, Already Migrated 20+Application

The best solution will
be to migrate your Iron speed application to ASP.Net MVC before it gets too
late. Many users have already migrated their application to another Microsoft
platform or MVC and remaining have started to migrate their Iron speed
application to MVC since there is no support left once your Iron speed software
stop working. Many of you guys already posting comment about software stopped
working and they are stuck.
MVC is a standard design pattern that many
developers are familiar with. Some types of Web applications will benefit from
the MVC framework. Others will continue to use the traditional ASP.NET application pattern that is based on Web
Forms and post backs. Other types of Web applications will combine the two
approaches; neither approach excludes the other.
What Do We Do?
We Migrate you’re any version of Iron speed
Application to ASP.Net MVC
Why Only Axton group?
We use state of art technology so you’re new
MVC application will look and work exactly your existing Iron speed
Technology we use:
Crystal Report
Dev Express
Telerik Controls
Entity Framework
Nested Grid View
Angular JS
Save thousands of
dollars on your development cost since we have created converter.
Can migrate any
version of Iron speed Application
No need of Iron speed
Free from renewing
license or paying yearly license fee
New Code will be based
on ASP.Net MVC so any developer can work on it
Easy to integrate with
any 3rd party application or APIs or Mobile platform
Can use Telerik or any
3rd party control or Payment Gateway System.
Already converted more
than 20 big and complex applications
Knowledge and Skill to
migrate the application to MVC
How does the Ironspeed
to MVC Migration Work?
Once you are ready to migrate your Ironspeed
application you can call us at 201-884-7338 and we will review your application
and database structure. We will understand and analyze your requirements and logics.
Upon approval, we will start the migration the process.
We have been working with a different version
of Ironspeed Designer from 3.1 to 12.2. Our Ironspeed to MVC migration service
supports all the version of Iron Speed application.
Call Us: 610-209-3937
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